Sunday, July 02, 2006

Ghost Addendum!!!!!!! :-O

OH MY GOD!!!!!!! Okay, so I'm sitting here commenting on all the ghost comments, thinking, boy I'm glad the d*mn thing went away, when an empty pop can on my desk wobbles back and forth!!!!!!!! I've got chills!!!! There's a fan on, but even when I aim it directly at the can, it won't wobble. Also, I tried shaking my desk, and it won't wobble. (I mean like teetering back and forth, making a chirpy little clang!!!)


I'm going to hide in the dining room, which doesn't suddenly sound too bad!!!! LOL!!!!

1 comment:

Laura Marie Altom said...

I know it's messin' with us!! It's a bad, bad ghost!!! LOL!!!

Save for one incident with Hubby, all's been quiet. He was home alone with the house stone silent when I-Tunes on the computer popped on, blaring.

I'm glad it didn't happen to me!!!