Tree 15, Altoms 2. Well, Hubby, Son and I started out Saturday on a fairly confident note, sure in our ability to take down the last of the tree. HA!!!!! With Daughter at the OU game, the three of us ended up neck-deep in scummy pond water, trying to get our footing while stepping on hidden branches and mud that'd suck you down to your knees. I've got bumps, scrapes and bruises in places I didn't know I had!!!
The last straw was when Hubby and I were trying to tackle one of the last branches still over the water, and the chainsaw got stuck. By jacking up a portion of the main trunk, we managed to remove the chain, so at least the actual saw was salvaged.
Sunday, we headed out to buy a new chainsaw, figuring we could cut out the old one's chain, then have two, so both of us could be cutting at the same time. Great plan, but seeing how we did start Weight Watchers, we were both too weak from starvation to tackle much of anything beyond unloading our $200 worth of fat free, sugar free, taste free groceries!!!!
This morning, we'd planned to get back to it, but it's raining. Thank God!!! LOL!!! Poor Hubby has developed some kind of itchy rash on his legs, and is wondering if he's caught a bizarre pond scum allergy. I guess if he isn't better in the morning, he should probably go to the doctor.
In other news, I was saddened to wake this morning and hear Steve Irwin had died. When the kids were smaller, we never missed his show. I thought it especially odd as to the way he died. Hubby and I have played with stingrays, and never thought anything of it. They've always seemed like such gentle, harmless creatures. I'm having trouble even picturing how something like this could've happened. Anyway, my thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. I'm sure he'll be deeply missed.
At first I didn't know who Steve Irwin was. most of the time you hear Steve Irwin , the crocodile hunter. Thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
So where was Cocoa during all this, inside watching Y&R?
Hope Hubby's rash isn't anything serious.
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